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This page contains information about GLITCH Research Interest Group events.


Casual Lunch Meetings
The GLITCH Research Interest Group meets every two weeks during term time. If you are an Oxford researcher or student interested in participating in our hybrid lunch meetups, please email


Internet Freedom Community “Meet and Greet”
If you are an incoming student looking to study or learn more about internet shutdowns, internet censorship, or information controls during your time at Oxford, please note that we are organising an Internet Freedom Community “Meet and Greet” in October 2023. This event will bring together a wide range of organisations that collect internet measurement data, or research shutdowns and censorship. To register your interest, email More details to follow.


We will run occasional webinars on areas related to our member’s research interests. For an example of what to expect, please view below a recent webinar hosted by one of our members titled “Internet Freedom: Information Communication, Accessibility and Archiving”.